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minskin kittens for sale


We got Jada back in September and love her SO much! We renamed her “Charlie”, and she is the smartest Minskin in the world. She absolutely loves playing soccer, playing in water, and is best friends with our cat Kyla. Couldn’t ask for a better Minskin. Thank you!!!

minskin kittens for sale


Easter with her new brother Brodie. She wasted no time finding the lake and getting her toes wet. She is sleeping on my feet now. Thanks for the Minskin.

minskin cats for sale

John & Tina

Teddy has brought our family so much happiness! He’s a real goon, 4 lbs of energy and joy! He is a Minskin of the highest quality. His appearance, temperament, and behavior are perfection. The care prior to adoption made us feel so confident in our adoption. We just love Teddy. We actively recommend Minskincattery to all our family and friends. Thank you for bringing us so much love and joy in our Minskin.

minskin cats for sale


Randy is doing great! He handled all of the traveling today like a champ! Picking him up from the airport was such a pleasant experience. I was so worried it would be too stressful for him, but he has just been so loving and playful since we picked him up. We are so happy to have him!

minskin cats for sale


Kenny is one year old tomorrow and thought you may like an update. He’s 5 pounds, very active and playful, loved by everyone one he comes into contact with animal or human. Extremely smart and eager to please, loves the water. By far best Minskin I’ve ever had. Thank you for him!

minskin kittens


SheWe love our little girl. Renamed her Calista Belle, we call her Cali, she plays long and hard, and then crashes into slumber, where I know she is just recharging! Follows us everywhere. Thank you for this little slice of heaven.

minskin kittens


Oh, what a cute little girl! Tori’s wonderful. She’s been eating and drinking well, and I played with her last night after she got off the plane. We will continue to let you know how she’s doing, but what a beautiful dog. Thank you so much, and we’re so glad that she got here safely. Thank you again!

minskin cats


Hi Allen! I didn’t want to text you so late at night but we picked up Bobby around 10:00 PM. Everyone in the family just loves him and he is settling in just fine. We will be taking him to see the vet in the next day or two. Thank you so much!

minskin kittens for sale


Hi Allen! Just wanted to give an update on Leo! He just turned 3 months on Tuesday! He loves being outside playing fetch and running around our tree in our backyard! He knows how to sit and he is beginning to learn how to stay. He knows what outside and potty means, and loves to go bye. He loves to give kisses too! The second visit with the vet was this week and she said he is very healthy! Leo is so very loved and we love watching him grow! He is so much fun!